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Regular Meeting of November 14, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

These Minutes are Subject to Approval by the Inland Wetlands Commission

Commissioners Present:  Pat Boily, Mary Curran, Anne Peters and Sharon Salling.
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use; Steve Maguire, Land Use Enforcement Officer and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.


Review / Adoption of a Revision to Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations of the Town and Borough of Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioner Peters opened the Public Hearing.  The commissioners discussed the regulations and noted a few typos.  Mr. Sibley provided an overview of why the regulations have been updated and said the official revision date should read November 14, 2012.  Commissioner Peters said she liked that the short form application is included and that this process is an easy and quick way to handle simple requests without delay or significant expense to the public.  Mr. Maguire said he will provide a list of the short-form permits to the commission on a monthly basis. The changes to the revision includes: (1) on Page 5, under “Vernal Pool” the term “Space Foot Toad” should be changed to “Spade Foot Toad”; (2) The revision date to reflect November 14, 2012; and (3) in Appendix C, under “O.”, a typo of the word “or”.  When no members of the public wished to speak regarding the regulations;  

Commissioner Salling motioned that the Public Hearing be closed.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boily and then unanimously approved.  Commissioner Peters then asked for a motion to approve. Commissioner Curran motioned to approve the revision to the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations of the Town and Borough of Newtown, Connecticut, with the noted corrections.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boily and was unanimously approved.


IW #12-41  22 Wendover Rd, Mark Edwards, Application for disturbance within a pond area, resolving IW Violation #12-11.

Mr. Rudy Edwards of 22 Wendover Road in Newtown provided a history of his property and said his family uses his pond for ice skating.  He explained why he used a machine to clean out weeds, bevel off a bank along the pond, and removed approximately 15 yards of fill.  He said he had plans to seed the area with grass in the spring.

Mr. Maguire explained the violation to the commission, stating that Mr. Edwards re-graded the area near the back of the pond and dredged around an island.  

Commissioner Peters explained to Mr. Edwards more about the regulations stating that a vegetative buffer is needed around the pond and that planting grass seed along the pond’s edge is unacceptable.  The commissioners asked several questions and explained more why it is important to follow regulations to protect the water.  Commissioner Salling felt an appropriate design for replanting is better suited for mitigation rather than having Mr. Edwards hire a soil scientist.  Mr. Edwards will work with Mr. Maguire in preparing a planting plan.  The commission also suggested that Mr. Edwards place a physical barrier (stones, etc.) to delineate the wetlands.  The commissioners that have not yet walked the site will do so before the next meeting.  


APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Salling motioned to approve the minutes of October 24, 2012, which was seconded by Commissioner Boily.  The minutes were approved as written.

APPROVAL OF 2013 SCHEDULECommissioner Salling motioned to accept the 2013 schedule, which was seconded by Commissioner Curran.  The motion was unanimously approved.

SEGMENT 3 – The commissioners discussed what they learned during the Segment 3 Training and Workshops.  Information can be shared.

ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Salling motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm, which was seconded by Commissioner Curran.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen